How to prepare for a Health and Safety Workplace Inspection

Metis HR specialises in HR matters but we are sometimes asked how to prepare for a Health and Safety Workplace Inspection.

how to prepare for a health and safety workplace inspection

We believe that the best preparation is advanced planning, don’t wait until you get notification that the HSE are on their way. We’ve put together some step by step tips to get in place now so that you are better prepared.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

Ideally, your preparations should start long before the threat of an announced or unannounced inspection.

  • Have you documented all the relevant risk assessments, and implemented the control measures, or at very least started the process of implementing?
  • Do you have a named person in the organisation who has taken responsibility for health and safety matters? Have you told people?
  • Are all of your health and safety policies and procedures properly documented and reviewed?
  • Do you have records of when your employees were last trained? Do they need refresher training?
  • Have you previously had an inspection that left you with things to do? Have you done them?
  • Is machinery or equipment all in good working order with any safety guards fully operational?
  • How do you escalate health and safety matters that are not being addressed?

What are the HSE looking for?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)’s want to work with owners and Directors to promote compliance and to ensure that the organisation has sufficient resources to manage and assess risk in the workplace. It goes without saying that if an organisation has entirely failed in its health and safety obligations there will be consequences.

What should we do during health and safety inspections?

Stay calm! Everyone from Managing Director to frontline operatives would benefit from knowing how to respond and what the organisation expects of them during such visits. Remind everybody during regular briefings who has responsibility for health and safety matters, what individual employee responsibilities are, and how policies and procedures are implemented. Take care not to behave in a way that an inspector could view as obstructive.

Metis HR advises on HR matters but if you need help on how to prepare for a Workplace Health and Safety Inspection get in touch. We can introduce you to Health and Safety professionals who can give you appropriate advice. Please call us on 01706 565332 or email us using the contact form


Metis HR is a professional HR Consultancy based in the North West of England supporting clients across the country. We specialise in providing outsourced HR services to small and medium-sized businesses. Call us now on 01706 565332 to discuss how we may help you.

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